Voices of Vets Discussion Forum

Voices of Vets Discussion Forum

by Cathlyn Sommerfield -
Number of replies: 0

This video was extremely eye-opening for me.  I can see how an online format may fall short in terms of providing the connection and support necessary for veteran students' success.  It is a format which can require increased focus, concentration and time management, and also can promote feelings of isolation, all areas in which veteran students may struggle.

In my online courses I can emphasize my availability for regular contact, and my commitment to working together on strategies for success if a veteran student is struggling with content and/or deadlines.  I can also provide ongoing opportunities for connections with peers, through formal and informal discussion forums and activities.  Additionally, I will remain informed of NMC services available to our veteran students and share this information with those who express interest and/or need.

I believe students experiencing unstable living conditions - any type of home or food insecurity - also face great challenges in their academic pursuits.  As an instructor, I can commit to creating a learning environment which is supportive and accessible, always emphasizing my availability for course support and sharing the many resources available at the college.