- Identify the challenges veterans may face in your online course.
My class spends a lot of time in introspection and evaluating personal/internal barriers/motivation/strengths, etc. This could lead to emotional experiences that are difficult for veterans who've experienced trauma.
- How might you address these needs?
I think it will be important to stress that this work doesn't have to be intensive and students need only dig as deeply as they are comfortable. It will also be important to make sure students are aware of resources should exercises or activities in class bring up difficult emotional experiences. It will also be important to have alternative ways to explore course content if an exercise/activity could be triggering. It will be important for me to verbalize this to the class as I introduce what we'll be doing throughout the semester and within individual sections.
- What other types of students (other than Veterans) might have challenges that will need to be addressed when you deliver course content and instruction? I think anybody that has experience trauma could have difficulty with some or our self-exploration exercises/activities. Again, it will be important to stress that student need only participate to the level they're comfortable and that alternatives exist should an exercise or activity feel unsafe for them.