There were several challenges discussed by the NMC veterans. A few that I captured were memory loss, panic, and overvigalence. As this applies to an online course I can imagine it would be difficult to stay organized and focused. I can also image an online meeting, without muting, would be overwhelming for some veterans.
In order to address these issues, as an instructor, I can think of several stratiegies. The first strategy would be to organize the course in small complete chunks, with each chunk having the same patterns and protocols. Also, sending reminders of upcoming activities may be helpful. Again, keeping the reminders in the same format so the student gets in the habit of finding all material in a simalar manner.
I am not so sure introducing vigilent organization and routines would be different for other students. All students benifit from this type of support. However, it has been my experience the veterens thrive and desire discipline within the course, on time grading, consistent class style...routine. Also, they thrive with having expectations clearly defined.