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Sally Smarsty

Sally Smarsty

I love math and also work with students as NMC's Student Success Coordinator!

Sara Swanson

Sara Pic


When I'm not teaching Intro to American Politics at NMC, I'm proud to serve as the Prosecuting Attorney for Benzie County.

Sarah Metdepenningen

Mark and Ryan are the best! Show them the money!Sarah headshot

Sarah Wangler


Email Address:

I teach English 111 and 112, and I drew this taco in photoshop. 

Scott Swan

GIS Instructor in Engineering Technology and Water Studies
Swan with Red Wing Stanley Cup

The benefits of teaching are not offered by a human resources department.

Shannon Friedgen

Dining Room

Nutrition for Culinary Arts will benefit from NMC teachingSOLUTIONS.

Shilo Smith

Stephen Siciliano

Lincoln's Springfield Home

I enjoy visiting historic sites such as Abraham Lincoln's home in Springfield.  

Steve Rice

I view education as the watering and drawing out, the cultivating of seeds and fruit of true self that was put inside each one of us by Another.

Susan Steele

Susan Steele email:

Susan Steele cell phone number:  231-492-3696

"Welcome to my voice teaching studio at Northwestern Michigan College. My goal for my studio is to create an atmosphere is one within which, together, we will discover your musical and artistic uniqueness.

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