Topic outline

  • Northwestern Michigan College

    Syllabus Essential Criteria

    Updated: June 19, 2024

    Members of the Educational Services Instructional Management Team (ESIMT) have determined the following items are essential to all NMC syllabi.

    College Policies and Procedures

    Academic Code of Conduct

    Cheating or plagiarism on written or oral examinations, quizzes, papers, or other academic work is prohibited. Cheating is defined as falsifying data on a report, exam, summary, or paper; the giving or receiving of aid in an examination situation; and/or the use of unauthorized materials as an aid during an examination. Plagiarism consists of offering as one’s own work, the words, ideas, or arguments of another person, without appropriate attribution by quotation, reference, or footnote. Plagiarism occurs both when the words of another are reproduced without acknowledgment, and when the ideas or arguments of another are paraphrased in such a way as to lead the reader to believe that they originated with the writer.

    If an instructor finds that a student has violated this code, the faculty member may impose course-level sanctions on the student and will report the act of academic dishonesty to the Vice President for Student Services and Technologies to record the infraction and to take further action.

    For the complete description of the Academic Code of Conduct Procedures and Sanctions, please consult the Students Rights and Responsibilities Policy.

    Campus Safety Procedures

    In the event of inclement weather, natural disaster, virus outbreak, or other emergency, this class may be shifted temporarily virtual as deemed appropriate by the college.

    View the Campus Safety Video.

    Field Trip Procedure

    In the event the class travels off campus for any course activity, students are required to sign the Field Trip Waiver form either for adults or minors. The forms are to be handed to the instructor at the beginning of the semester. All off-campus events for this course will be covered by the single form.

    Inclement Weather Policy

    When weather conditions appear hazardous the college may decide to close (or delay opening) or an individual instructor may decide to cancel his or her class(es). Should any of these situations occur Monday through Friday, the information will be posted on NMC’s Class Cancellations page.

    For weekend academic courses the College closure/delay decision would first be enforced. If on the other hand, a faculty member determined he/she cannot make it to campus for their particular class, the faculty member teaching the weekend course, would inform his/her students about the class cancellation.

    College Procedure to Drop a Class  

    If a student decides to drop a college course, they must follow the college procedures to withdraw from the course. Information on dropping a course is found on the Student Services Drop a Class page.

    The instructor will determine the student's last day of attendance based on the student’s last day of academically related activity.

    Credit Hour Policy

    Northwestern Michigan College operates under a semester credit hour system. The credit hour policy applies equally to courses of varying credits, duration, and modes of instruction, and applies to all credits granted by the college.

    Credit hours are determined by the Curriculum Committee to align with the documented direct instructional time needed to address all required student learning outcomes as identified on the official Course Outline. In addition, students are expected to engage in a minimum of two hours of independent learning activities (e.g., reading, research, homework, studying) for every credit hour of direct instruction provided. Further information is posted on NMC's Credit Hour Policy webpage.

    Student Email Policy

    All students are required to use their NMC email account for all communication in this class and college business.

    Student Rights and Responsibilities

    NMC is dedicated to creating an academic community which promotes intellectual inquiry, encourages vigorous discourse, and respects individual freedom and dignity. Students are integral members of this community and are expected to participate in sustaining its values. See the Student Rights & Responsibilities handbook.

    Title IX Information

    NMC is committed to fostering a safe and productive learning environment. NMC policy and Title IX prohibit discrimination of any kind based on sex, including: sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, relationship/sexual violence, and stalking. We encourage students who have experienced some form of sexual misconduct to talk to someone about what they experienced, so that they can get the support that they need and continue with their education. 

    Students may report incidents to a faculty, instructor, or staff member, who are required to notify the Title IX Coordinator. Students may also report directly to the Title IX Coordinator, 231-995-1144, or NMC Security, 231-995-1111. If a student wishes to keep the information confidential, they may speak with a Counselor in the Student Life Office, 231-995-1118, or Student Health Services, 231-995-1255. For more information see the Title IX website.

    Name & Gender Pronouns

    Professional courtesy and sensitivity are especially important with respect to individuals and topics dealing with differences of race, culture, religion, politics, sexual orientation, gender, gender variance, and nationalities. Class rosters are provided to the instructor with the student’s preferred name. Please advise faculty about any alternate name or pronoun early in the course.

    Course Technology Requirements

    Technology requirements vary by course. Some courses do not specify a particular type of technology but all courses require the following resources to successfully complete course work. Check with the NMC Library for availability of hot spots/laptops.

    NMC has numerous computer labs available for students. Details can be found on the Computer and Open Labs page.

    Consistent access to a reliable computer with high speed internet access.
    Minimum Requirements:  
        • Monitor and speakers.
        • Webcam with microphone (if required).
        • Windows 10 or above OR an up-to-date version of macOS.
        • An up-to-date browser (either Firefox or Chrome-based).
        • Technical Requirements for Using Moodle.

    Learning Services Information

    Academic Assistance 

    NMC is committed to helping students develop the skills necessary to be successful by creating a supportive learning environment that fosters growth. For information visit the NMC's Tutoring Services website or call 231-995-1138.

    Success Coaching

    Research indicates that students who engage with a Success Coach during their college career will: 

    • Maintain a higher GPA
    • Realize a greater level of academic achievement
    • Be more likely to reach their college goals

    Academic Success Coaches are the point-person you can rely on to help you with time management, organization, study skills, goal setting and stress reduction! Through Success Coaching you can learn how to study more effectively and get the most out of your time. Your Coaches are also here to answer questions and connect you with all other resources available to you as an NMC student.

    The coaching team at NMC has one job- to help you excel and reach your goals!

    Financial & Life Realities

    Any student who faces challenges securing course materials, technology, food, housing or transportation, and believes this may affect their performance in the course, is encouraged to contact the Student Life Office for support at 231-995-1118 or If students feel comfortable sharing these concerns directly with faculty members, they can also help in connecting students to the appropriate NMC or community resource. If a student is facing an emergency need, please complete the NMC Emergency Assistance Application to determine eligibility.

    Important Dates

    Students can find important dates to register, add and drop classes on the Important Dates website

    Students with Disabilities Support

    Northwestern Michigan College offers a wide range of services for students that have appropriately documented disabilities and need accommodations in order to achieve their academic goals. For information visit the Disability Support Services website ( or call 231-995-1929. Note: High school accommodations do not transfer to college classes. Contact the Disability Support office for more information.

    Tech Help Desk

    For technology assistance contact the Technology Help Desk by visiting the Tanis 51 Help Desk Office or the JB214 Open Computer Lab, or call us 24/7 at 231-995-3020, or visit for a student technology knowledge base and chat access support.

    Zoom Recording

    We will use technology such as Zoom for virtual meetings and these meetings may be recorded. Our use of such technology is governed by FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) and NMC’s Student Code of Conduct. A record of meetings and any recordings is kept and stored by the instructor and NMC, in accordance with NMC policies and FERPA. Your instructor will not share recordings of your class activities outside of course participants, which may include your fellow students, adjunct faculty, teaching assistants, program administrators and any guest faculty or community based learning partners that the instructor, NMC or the department may approve. You may not share recordings outside of this course. Doing so will result in disciplinary action. In the event that your instructor wishes to use your course recording in other courses, your instructor will request your completion of a FERPA release form.

    Online Services for Online Students

    These resources and services can be scheduled with directly through My Success:

    These resources and services can be accessed through the main menu in Moodle, NMC’s learning management system.

    • Library (
    • Online Tutoring (
    • Tutoring Center ( center.html).
    • Counseling Office ( counseling/index.html).

    Transfer Statement 

    The transfer of NMC courses is determined by the transfer institutions in cooperation with NMC. To check the transferability of this course, visit the Advising Center website.

    Syllabus Changes

    The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus and will inform the class of any changes.

    Other Resources & Assistance

    Any student struggling with meeting daily needs such as food and housing is encouraged to contact the Student Life Office for support. The Student Life Office provides assistance at no cost to students through the NMC food pantry, and through other supports such as counseling, and providing information on community resources. The Student Life Office can be reached at 231-995-1118.