Application Assignment #9: Perfect Resume & Thank You Letter -- DUE 11/3
This assignment concludes the job application project. This week you will participate in a mock interview, write a short thank you letter, and submit a final draft of your resume that has been reviewed by NMC's Employment Readiness Specialist.
Mock Interview
Your mock interview will be conducted in person with me and possibly one other person. The interviews will either be in Osterlin 135 or Osterlin 151. Review the interview schedule. Come to the interview prepared to address your qualifications for the job posting you selected for Application Assignment #8. Be ready to answer several behavioral interview questions. It’s a good idea to research the company and have questions about the job for the interviewer. Business casual dress is appropriate.
Thank You Letter
After the interview is complete, prepare a thank you letter. If you interviewed with me and Lisa, address the letter to Mr. Ryan Bernstein and Ms. Lisa Baldyga. If you interviewed with me and Mark, address the letter to Mr. Ryan Bernstein and Mr. Mark DeLonge. Use a formal letter format as found in this resource. Use the 3-part general outline.
One to two sentences thanking the interviewers for their time and for considering you for the position. If you are sending a letter to Lisa, it's also appropriate to thank her directly for reviewing your resume.
In two to three sentences, reemphasize why you want the job. Highlight why you'd be a good fit for the organization and why you're right for the position.
Let the interviewers know that you're ready to start and that you're available for questions. Also let them know you're looking forward to hearing from them soon.
You don’t have to put it in the mail. Upload it to Moodle instead. Here’s the address:
Northwestern Michigan College
Educational Media Technologies
1701 E.Front St.
Osterlin 135
Traverse City, MI 49686
Here are a few example thank you letters that work well as models:
Perfect Resume
At this time, you should submit the final draft of your resume. This version should be the basic resume that you will start with when you begin your actual job search. The resume should be complete and refined at this point, free of errors and ready to go.
Assignment Submission
Prepare a transmittal memo that offers the information below. Enter “Mock Interview & Perfect Resume” as the subject line of the memo.
- The date of your mock interview.
- The names of the people you interviewed with.
- List the two “attached” documents. Upload the memo with the following documents:
- Thank You Letter
- Perfect Resume