Click on the links below for the websites to study for Lesson 3, Chapter 20.

1. Michelangelo's Pieta--This video will take you right to it!

2. Sistine Chapel--This is a wonderful virtual tour.

3. Da Vinci at the National Gallery of London--Explore this museum exhibit.

4. Raphael's "School of Athens"--Listen to the explanation of this complex work.

5. A Titian portrait--A detailed study on a Titian portrait.

6. Parmigianino--What are Mannerists all about?

7. Palladio in Pittsburgh--This site will give you some insight on the work of Palladio

8. Palladio at YALE -- This will give you a good idea of how important Palladio is even for famous contemporary architects.

Last modified: Sunday, 30 December 2012, 8:05 PM