Voices of Vets Discussion Forum – Module 2 –
Addressing Veterans (and ALL) Students Needs in My On-Line Class
By Karen E. Ford
As I watch the “Voices of Vets” video about veterans returning to college for training and developing skills for re-entering and/or improving employment opportunities; I remember how apprehensive I felt on returning to the civilian employment sector after retiring from the U. S. Navy. I had feelings of not knowing what I was going to do next and how was I “going to get it together.” I relate well to the importance of a strong “support system” to make the transition. Some people have a support system, and some have none or just a little. I had to actively seek out and create my personal support system as I “really didn’t know where to begin.”
Despite financial support (GI Bill(s)) and other veterans support groups available, even I was shocked to learn still 70% of veterans drop out in the FIRST year and only 3% go on to graduate. To that end, it takes a “village” to assist students (ANY STUDENTS) in today’s learning environment. NMC has a strong coaching and tutoring program as well as other support programs (counseling, health, food assistance, housing assistance, etc.) available to assist students making the transition to the college learning world.
As an instructor this means to me, my “door is open” to help and to encourage you, my students to reach out. I want to help each and every one of you, my students, to develop that “two-way” caring and commitment of working together towards formulating a plan an “individualized plan with an accent on the individual” which makes it possible to move smoothly through the classwork and course material towards success in the class for you; each of you. To that end, this is paramount not just for Veterans but for all students in the class, so please reach out to me before it becomes a problem too big or too late to solve. If you are struggling for whatever the reason; course material or deadlines; it is very important to reach out and the sooner the better. I can’t help you help yourself in solving it if you don’t timely reach out.
Strategies to make something work usually result from collaboration with peers and/or with the instructor. Forming Study Groups works for many but not for all. I encourage you to form study partners via in-person, or via texting, or other social media venues; whatever method best works for you the individual. It really does work to reach out. Be proactive (the sooner the better), rather than reactive (“a day late and a dollar short”). Time is a very valuable resource and management of your time is paramount; the “five-minute rule” applies. You can always find “five minutes” here and there and these “five minutes” all of a sudden become a Grand Total of all the time you need to accomplish a “goal;” any “goal” - no matter how big or small. Just keep walking and keep thinking. Being Creative, thinking “outside the box” of ways for “how to accomplish” or how to even better “multi-task” are great techniques to get there. Even just actively thinking about the learning (letting the stuff rumble around in your head) while you are doing something else is a possibility. The “World” is there for you to play in it; how and when you choose. That is the beauty of On-Line learning, it allows you the student to engage at your pace within the set of given requirements. Give and take from it as you choose (“using your five-minute bursts”); but meet those goals and requirements via the parameters (rules) as they are set out to you. “Success is Being Actively Engaged” in whatever you do; by “just keep walking.” (Dr. Lucille G. Ford, PhD). You are a Success!!