Hi everyone!
Thank you for a great first day in our teachingSOLUTIONS boot camp. We are excited to have so many people this year in the face to face version and look forward to rich discussions daily.
For tomorrow, you will want to make sure you have electronic access (jump drive, Q: drive, Google Drive, etc...) to any course documents you plan to work on here. Also, it looks like tomorrow is the only day that the weather forecast says "cloudy" instead of just plain rain--so, you may want to bring a little extra cash for an afternoon group run to Bardon's for ice cream.
This is our course "News and Announcements" forum, where we will email you with any updates. It is similar to the forums that instructors add to classes for discussions, except that the default is "forced subscription." This means that all students are automatically enrolled and will receive an email when you post here, and they cannot choose to un-unroll.
See you tomorrow!
Tracy and Mark