1. Offering regular feedback in a timely manner to students throughout the course means to be present and interacting with your students and how they are doing. This offers an opportunity for the students to get your thoughts on the expectations for the course and where they can improve. It also opens the door for conversation between the instructor and the student if there are any differing opinions on course expectations.
2. I believe there is such a thing as too much feedback. This could be commenting on every single assignment submitted or having an opinion to each action a student makes throughout the entire course. The student is focused on learning the material in the course and if the feedback is not constructive it can hinder the student from wanting to review the feedback. Also, if the feedback is on even items with full credit, it can be overlooked by the student as non-important. Feedback should be used to let the student know where to improve and where they are doing well to make the most of their learning and it is most important in the first couple of weeks getting into the material.
3. I believe a numerical score in the gradebook indicates a level of feedback to the student. If the numerical score reflects anything less than full credit, I believe applying a source of feedback as to why is helpful for the student to understand why they received the grade they did, which in turn I guess would create meaningful feedback.
2. I believe there is such a thing as too much feedback. This could be commenting on every single assignment submitted or having an opinion to each action a student makes throughout the entire course. The student is focused on learning the material in the course and if the feedback is not constructive it can hinder the student from wanting to review the feedback. Also, if the feedback is on even items with full credit, it can be overlooked by the student as non-important. Feedback should be used to let the student know where to improve and where they are doing well to make the most of their learning and it is most important in the first couple of weeks getting into the material.
3. I believe a numerical score in the gradebook indicates a level of feedback to the student. If the numerical score reflects anything less than full credit, I believe applying a source of feedback as to why is helpful for the student to understand why they received the grade they did, which in turn I guess would create meaningful feedback.