Higher Learning Commission (HLC) requirement for On-Line Courses
Input by Karen E. Ford
As I reflect on Module 3 readings concerning feedback and grading, the question is “How do I define Regular and Timely Feedback?” What are the criteria for determining success or failure? First, it starts with the assignment requirements, usually spelled out in the Course Syllabus and/or in an assignment rubric or outline document or simply a paragraph of expectations. Thus, I believe constructive feedback needs to be direct, clear concise, meaningful both positive and negative or otherwise it’s simply ignored or importantly, it does not meet long-term goals of positively developing students. Feedback needs to be timely within the hour/day (especially if a test is machine graded) for objective tests and quizzes and within 7 to 10 days for written papers/inputs. If not timely, feedback falls in the “out of sight and out of mind” ideology.
Higher Learning Commission (HLC) requirement for On-Line Courses
Input by Karen E. Ford
As I reflect on Module 3 readings concerning feedback and grading, the question is “How do I define Regular and Timely Feedback?” What are the criteria for determining success or failure? First, it starts with the assignment requirements, usually spelled out in the Course Syllabus and/or in an assignment rubric or outline document or simply a paragraph of expectations. Thus, I believe constructive feedback needs to be direct, clear concise, meaningful both positive and negative or otherwise it’s simply ignored or importantly, it does not meet long-term goals of positively developing students. Feedback needs to be timely within the hour/day (especially if a test is machine graded) for objective tests and quizzes and within 7 to 10 days for written papers/inputs. If not timely, feedback falls in the “out of sight and out of mind” ideology.
Feedback is a function of time and instructor workload. There is, in practicality not too much feedback, as there is usually room for change/preference/improvement when it comes to writing papers. One method of feedback which improves student accountability and ownership of one’s work, is to request (provide the opportunity for) a written reflection and/or improvement/upgrade of a given paper which is tied into the possibility of grade improvement.
By simply giving a student a letter grade, in reality; the message is the paper is done. The student needs feedback either in a written or verbal manner for it to be constructive, useful and meaningful. Any more in-depth feedback is useful when the receiver takes ownership through personal desire to accept and use the inputs for improvement.