In a face-to-face environment, I like to pass out a note card to each student and have them write their name, their professional goals, why those chose culinary arts as a career path, and one thing they hope to learn during the course. I then collect them and pass them out randomly for a different students to introduce each other. It takes the pressure of talking about yourself off, and it is easier to write your responses versus a verbal response. This gives an insight to each student about their classmates. Once, I have heard about what they hope to learn in the course, I give them a brief breakdown of what we will cover throughout the course, with emphasis on the topics that students are eager to learn. This method would be very challenging in an online environment, but I feel that in an online environment there is no pressure to "speak in front of the class" because each student is in their own comfortable environment. I would implement an open discussion on Zoom for each student to introduce themselves with the above stated information, as well as a written discussion forum. I have not taught an online class, so I do not have any successes or failures in an online environment.