Internet Explorer Users...

Re: Internet Explorer Users...

by Alicia Higham -
Number of replies: 0
I am a Mac user who uses various means (various browsers, as well as both a Windows/PC environment, and an OS X one, on a dual-purpose Mac) to download various course materials.

This is because Powerpoint format materials posted by instructors are best accessed for me with Safari on a Mac;  Acrobat materials best accessed by IE in the Windows environment, etc. (I installed Bootcamp software, then Windows 7, to be able to do this; the three browsers I turn to are Safari, Firefox, and IE).

I have gone out of my way, with the above, to access all materials that wouldn't be accessible across the board without these means..

However, when I am in the Mac OS X part of my laptop, failing to download something using Safari, and turning immediately to Firefox, occasions a "Guest Login" prompt, and denies me access, assuming I am a different user who has broken into my own account. 

Working with different browsers, and even 2 different environments/operating systems on the same machine, is fine-- it took me awhile, but I have made my machine capable of accessing all materials instructors post.

But it is onerous to have to be re-validated as a user every time (after being denied access to Moodle) because I must switch the methods I use. 

Perhaps someone could greenlight my account, or recommend some other means for me. I use several  means to access course materials because they are posted in a variety of formats, and I use a Mac. Any suggestions or permissions given my account would be valuable.