
What are some tips for success?

Becoming a successful college student requires a special blend of knowledge, skills, and personal characteristics. Luckily, these are all things you can learn or develop as a student here at NMC. While certain programs of study will require slightly different mixtures of knowledge, skills, and characteristics, there are some that are universal.

Have a goal and be committed to achieving it.
College isn't easy, but if you have a goal that you are excited about achieving, and are committed to putting in the hard work it takes, then you're well on your way to being a successful student!

Don't worry if your goal is still a little fuzzy, or you're feeling directionless; the NMC Advising center is here to help you find your way. Simply call 231-995-1360 to make an appointment with an advisor who can help.

Seek help when you need it.
NMC has tons of resources to help students be successful. Our most successful students are often the ones you see making a tutoring appointment, having their paper reviewed by a reader at the Writing and Reading Center, doing their math homework in the Math Center, or meeting with a Student Success Coach to improve their study methods. Use your NMC resource guide to find the resources you need as soon as things get tough.

Show up and engage.
Going to class regularly, being prepared for class, completing assignments, and participating in class is truly more than half the battle of being a successful student. So, if you want to be successful, attend your classes, pay attention, ask questions, participate, and complete your assignments.