Taking Online or Hybrid courses? This is for you!
(Student introduction) You're not alone if you still are uncertain about what direction to choose: classroom, online, or hybrid.
Perhaps you want to take an online class, but the skill check indicated it wasn't your best choice.
NMC has several resources for you, including people to help you decide. Check out our resource directory...
Perhaps you want to take an online class, but the skill check indicated it wasn't your best choice.
NMC has several resources for you, including people to help you decide. Check out our resource directory...
Technology Check
Do you have...
- Consistent, reliable computer access.
- Consistent, reliable internet access.
Pay attention to course required/specific technology or software requirements.
Always have a back-up plan for computer and internet access, whether that be a local library, coffee shop, or NMC computer labs, plan ahead! Check out the Computer Labs website for locations and hours.