Topic outline

  • MDK 200 Ship Business and Labor Relations

    Image of GLMA Logo

    Course Description

    This course provides instruction in the organization, administrative functions and management of a merchant vessel as well as the systems of operation of ship’s business.  It includes the study of union contracts, grievance procedures and labor management relations.

  • Topic 1

    Image of Textbook

    Week 1

    In week one, you will be introduced to the online MDK 200 Ship Business and Labor Relations course. This week will require you to navigate the Moodle course, become familiarized with the course syllabus, communicate with the instructor, and review the first lesson on the Ship's Master. The required textbook for the class is the Master's Handbook on Ship's Business, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0870335316). In addition to this textbook, there are also assigned weekly readings provided through Moodle.

    The following section allows you to access the reading material and find information on this week's assignments.

    • After reviewing the Course Syllabus, please take the Syllabus Quiz.

    • Proper communication is an essential skill in multiple professional situations. This section provides resources for business communication. After reviewing these resources, please complete the Communications Assignment.

    • View
    • Email me ( from your NMC student account. Do not email me at 

      • The subject of your email should be "Communications Assignment". 
      • Your message should include an appropriate salutation ("Captain XXXX," or "Mr. XXXXXXx," will work fine). 
      • The message of your email:  "This email is for my communications assignment."
      • Include a closing ("Sincerely," or "Regards," will work fine).
      • Type your full name below the closing.
  • Topic 2

    Image of Captain's Shoulder Boards

    Week 2

    In week two, we will continue to discuss the responsibilities of the Master and review United States Laws. The Powerpoint lecture slides provide background into the criminal and civil liability of the Master. The readings from the text provide a broad overview of the rules and regulations that impact transportation by sea.

    The following section allows you to access the reading material and find information on this week's assignments.

  • Topic 3

    Image of Marpol Placard

    Week 3

    In week three, you will be introduced to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) and Marine Casualty Reporting. MARPOL is the main international convention covering prevention of pollution of the marine environment by ships from operational or accidental causes.

    The MARPOL convention includes regulations aimed at preventing and minimizing pollution from ships - both accidental pollution and that from routine operations - and currently includes six technical Annexes. Special Areas with strict controls on operational discharges are included in most Annexes.

    The following section allows you to access the reading material and find information on this week's assignments.

    • Please fill out the Google Forms survey on your intended research report topic by Monday, September XX.  I will respond with 48 hours with either a go-ahead or suggested changes.

    • Post your intended ship's business research report topic. Post your initial online discussion by September XX, 2020 and reply to two of your classmate's posts by September XX, 2020.

      Things to consider:

      • Can you broaden or condense the topic area?
      • Any resources that you are willing to share (i.e., peer-reviewed articles, websites, blogs, videos, reference material, etc.)?
      • Do you believe that the topic is aligned with the topic areas of the class?

  • Topic 4

    Image of Genius Star Collision

    Week 4

    In week four, we will finish up the discussion on Incidents and Accidents with a review of post-accident drug and alcohol testing requirements. Additionally, we will shift gears to the next topic area of vessel security.

    The following section allows you to access the reading material and find information on this week's assignments.

  • Topic 5

    Image of Shipping Articles

    Week 5

    In week 5, you will learn about Shipping Articles. The Shipping Articles specify the name of the ship, the conditions of employment, seamen's compensation, the nature of the voyage(s) and duration and the regulations to be observed aboard ship and in port, including punishable offenses and punishments. You will also need to complete Test #1 by the end of the week.

    The following section allows you to access the reading material and find information on this week's assignments.

    • Test #1 must be completed by 2359, September XX, 2020.

  • Topic 6

    Image of Offical Logbook

    Week 6

    In week six, we will discuss the requirements and usage of Logbooks. We will also look more closely at the required documents and certificates for shipboard operations.

    The following section allows you to access the reading material and find information on this week's assignments.

    • Writing is an iterative process. This discussion provides the opportunity to review your peer's work and provide feedback. Post your research report introduction and outline. Post your initial online discussion by October XX, 2020, and reply to two of your classmate's posts by October XX, 2020.

      Questions to consider when reviewing your peer's work:

      • Does it Introduce the topic
      • Create some context and background
      • State the rationale
      • Explain why is topic is important
      • Does it state a hypothesis
      • Any suggestions on broadening or condensing the topic area
      • Do you have any resources to share based on your work and research (i.e, peer-reviewed articles, websites, videos, textbooks, etc.)

  • Topic 7

    Image of ENOAD

    Week 7

    In week seven, we will discuss the entry requirements from sailing foreign along with introducing the Electronic Notice of Arrival/Departure (eNOAD).

    The following section allows you to access the reading material and find information on this week's assignments.

  • Topic 8

    Image of accounting

    Week 8

    In week eight, we will discuss Vessel Accounting and Bills of Lading. You will also need to complete Test #2 and the  Research Report Status Update form by the end of the week.

    The following section allows you to access the reading material and find information on this week's assignments.

    • Test #2 must be completed by 2359 October XX, 2020.

  • Topic 9

    Image of a bulk carrier

    Week 9

    In week nine, we will discuss Charter Parties along with Foreign Ports and Etiquette. The Charter Party is a contract by which the owner of a ship lends it use to others for the transportation of cargo. Depending on the type of Charter Party, the shipowner can continue to control the navigation and management of the vessel, but the cargo requirements are overseen by the charterer.

    The following section allows you to access the reading material and find information on this week's assignments.

  • Topic 10

    Image of turning circle

    Week 10

    In week ten, you will be introduced to the development of maritime labor unions. You will also review two of your peer's research papers. Appropriate feedback through a graded rubric and comments will assist your peers with the writing process.

    The following section allows you to access the reading material and find information on this week's assignments.

  • Topic 11

    Image of merchant mariner

    Week 11

    In week eleven, you will learn about the grievance process of collective bargaining agreements. Additionally, you will get the opportunity to review a current unlicensed contract. As a reminder, you will also need to complete Test #3 by the end of the week.

  • Topic 12

    Image of a contract

    Week 12

    The only assignment for week twelve is finishing your research paper.

    The following section allows you to access the reading material and find information on this week's assignments.

  • Topic 13

    Image of Research Paper

    Week 13

    In week thirteen, we will discuss leadership. Please review the two Simon Sinek YouTube videos on leadership. Also, review the requirements for the Leadership Philosophy assignment. This assignment will be due on December XX, 2020.

    The following section allows you to access the reading material and find information on this week's assignments.

  • Topic 14

    Image of Rena grounding

    Week 14

    In week fourteen, you will learn about fatigue and its impact on the workplace. We will also discuss Marine Insurance and U.S. Tort Law.

    The following section allows you to access the reading material and find information on this week's assignments.

  • Topic 15

    Image of George Stinson

    Week 15

    In week fifteen, continue working on your Leadership Philosophy paper. You will also need to complete Test #4 by the end of the week.

    The following section allows you to access the reading material and find information on this week's assignments.

  • Topic 16

    Image of sunset

    Finals Week

    This is the final week of MDK 200 Ship's Business. The Final Exam must be completed at the NMC Student Success Testing Center by December XX, 2020. Also, remember to fill out the course evaluation and have a good break!