Topic Name Description
URL Livestream Link for Office Hours

Livestream Office Hours Spring 2022:   Sunday 7:00pm-10:00pm,  Monday and Wednesday 5:15pm-6:15pm or by appointment

I will not be in Zoom outside of class and office hours.  If you select the link and I am not in Zoom yet, you will be placed into a waiting room.  Please be patient and wait for office hours or class to begin.

Week 15: IT Specialist 201 Database certification exam (4/26-5/5) URL Video: Certification Test Preparation
IT Specialist 201 Database Exam Information and Resources URL Video: Certification Test Preparation
File IT Specialist Database exam objectives

File Handout: SQL Quick Reference
File Handout: SQL Operators (summary)
File Handout: SQL Server Functions (summary)
File SQL Server Glossary of Terminology (from Microsoft's website)
File SQL Server Cheatsheet
File Basic SQL Cheatsheet

NOTE:  This is a webp file that you can download and view in your browser.

File SQL Commands Cheatsheet

NOTE:  This is a webp file that you can download and view in your browser.

Folder 1. Database Design
1.1 Given a scenario, design tables for storing data • Identify entities, rows/records, columns/fields
1.2 Given a scenario, identify the appropriate primary key • Primary key, composite/compound key
1.3 Given a scenario, choose data types to meet requirements • Definition and importance of data types; how data types affect storage requirements; data types for storing text, numbers, dates and times, and Boolean values
1.4 Given a scenario, design relationships between tables • How to establish relationships using primary and foreign keys, entityrelationship diagrams (ERDs), referential integrity
1.5 Normalize a database • Reasons for normalization, how to normalize a database to third normal form (3NF)
1.6 Given a scenario, identify data protection measures • Backups, restore, principle of least privilege , GRANT, WITH GRANT OPTION, REVOKE, purpose of roles
Folder 2. Database Object Management using DDL
2.1 Construct and analyze queries that create, alter, and drop tables • Create, alter, and drop tables by using proper ANSI SQL syntax; NULL and NOT NULL
2.2 Construct and analyze queries that create, alter, and drop views • Create, alter, and drop views by using proper ANSI SQL syntax; purpose of views
2.3 Construct and analyze stored procedures and functions • Input and output parameters, return values, purpose of stored procedures
2.4 Given a scenario, choose between clustered and non-clustered indexes • When to use clustered vs. non-clustered indexes, syntax for creating indexes
URL Clustered and Nonclustered Indexes
URL Heaps - tables without clustered indexes
URL Create Unique Indexes
URL Create Filtered Indexes
Folder 3. Data Retrieval
3.1 Construct and analyze queries that select data • INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, CROSS JOIN (Cartesian product), and FULL OUTER JOIN; self joins; combine result sets by using UNION and INTERSECT; DISTINCT; column alias; computed columns
3.2 Construct and analyze queries that sort and filter data • ORDER BY, WHERE, LIKE, BETWEEN, AND, OR, NOT, TOP (LIMIT), IN, NOT IN, ANY, ALL, NULL, NOT NULL, comparison operators
3.3 Construct and analyze queries that aggregate data • GROUP BY, HAVING, MIN, MAX, COUNT, AVG (AVERAGE), SUM
Folder 4. Data Manipulation using DML

4.1 Construct and analyze INSERT statements • INSERT INTO SELECT, INSERT INTO VALUES

4.2 Construct and analyze UPDATE statements • Update data in a single table

4.3 Construct and analyze DELETE statements • Delete data from a single table

Folder 5. Troubleshooting
5.1 Troubleshoot data object management query failures • Syntax and runtime errors
5.2 Troubleshoot data retrieval query failures • Syntax and runtime errors
5.3 Troubleshoot data manipulation query failures • Syntax and runtime errors
URL Understanding SQL Server Backup and Restore (youtube video)
URL SQL Server Part 3 - System Databases, Backing Up and Restoring (WiseOwl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Part 4 - Databases, Logins, Users, Roles and Schemas (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Part 5 - Basic Table Design, Data Types and Constraints (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Part 6 - Designing and Creating a Relational Database (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Programming Part 1 - Stored Procedure Basics (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Programming Part 2 - Stored Procedure Parameters (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Programming Part 3 - Variables (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Programming Part 4 - Output Parameters & Return Values (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Programming Part 5 - IF Statements (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Programming Part 6 - WHILE Loops (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Programming Part 7 - User Defined Functions (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Programming Part 8 - Temporary Tables (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Programming Part 9 - Table Variables (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Programming Part 13 - Dynamic SQL (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Programming Part 14 - Transactions (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Programming Part 15 - DML Triggers (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Programming Part 16 - DDL Triggers (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL DDL Commands In SQL
URL Michael Fudge - Part 1: Create Table (DDL) and Insert Data (DML)
URL Michael Fudge - Part 2: ALTER TABLE and add CONSTRAINTS

This video is part two of a four-part series on SQL Data Definition and Data Manipulation commands. In this video we focus on the ALTER TABLE statement, using it to and remove columns, and various table-based constraints like CHECK, UNIQUE and the tricky FOREIGN KEY.

URL Michael Fudge Part 3: Alter table (DDL), Insert, Update and Delete data (DML)

This video is part three of a four-part series on SQL Data Definition and Data Manipulation commands. In this video we focus on the 4 statements that make up the data management / CRUD operations: INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE. In addition we continue to improve the SQL script for our fictitious company, Spiffy Lube.

NOTE:  The video shows how to remove constraints in order to update tables

URL SQL Server Queries Part 5 - CASE Expressions (Wise Owl Youtube video)
URL SQL Server Queries Part 6 - JOINS (Inner and Outer Joins) Wise Owl Youtube Video
URL SQL Server Queries Part 7 - Using Functions in Queries (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Part 7 - Computed Columns (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Queries Part 8 - Text Calculations (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Queries Part 9 - Date Calculations (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Queries Part 10 - GROUP BY and HAVING (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Queries Part 11 - Subqueries (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Queries Part 12 - Correlated Subqueries (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server UNION Query Example (youtube video)
URL Michael Fudge - Part 1: Create Table (DDL) and Insert Data (DML)
URL Michael Fudge Part 3: Alter table (DDL), Insert, Update and Delete data (DML)

This video is part three of a four-part series on SQL Data Definition and Data Manipulation commands. In this video we focus on the 4 statements that make up the data management / CRUD operations: INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE. In addition we continue to improve the SQL script for our fictitious company, Spiffy Lube.

NOTE:  The video shows how to remove constraints in order to update tables

URL How to Solve SQL Problems
Week 14(4/24-5/7): Project Showcase Peer Review, GitHub and ePortfolio URL Video: Week 14 Overview
URL Directions for ePortfolio

NOTE:  If you have a current LinkedIn profile, you do NOT need to create a new one.  Just add a link to your final project repository as indicated in the instructions.   

Week 13(4/17-4/24) Chapter 16 Transaction Processing, Chapter 17 Database Security and Term Project Showcase URL Video: Week 13 Overview
URL Lecture/Demo: Chapter 16: How to Manage Transactions and Locking
URL Chapter 16 Textbook Assignment Directions
URL Lecture/Demo: Chapter 17: How to Manage Database Security
URL Chapter 17: Textbook Assignment Directions
URL Term Project Showcase Directions
File Chapter 16 slides
File Chapter 16 Exercise Solutions
File Chapter 17 slides
File Chapter 17 Exercise Solutions
Week 12 (4/10-4/17): Chapter 15 - Coding Procedures, Functions and Triggers URL Video: Week 12 Overview
URL Lecture/Demo: Chapter 15 How to code stored procedures, functions and triggers
URL Textbook Assignment Directions
URL Final Project Milestone #3 Lab Assignment

Section #3 of milestone #3

URL Choice between SPs, Functions, Views, and Triggers

Choice between SPs, Functions, Views, and Triggers

URL SQL Server Programming Part 1 - Stored Procedure Basics (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Programming Part 2 - Stored Procedure Parameters (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Programming Part 7 - User Defined Functions (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Programming Part 15 - DML Triggers (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Programming Part 16 - DDL Triggers (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL Creating simple stored procedures
File Simple Insert, Update and Delete Trigger Tutorial
File SQL file that creates the db and tables for the trigger exercise
File Murach Chapter 15 slides
File Chapter 15 Exercise Solutions
Week 11 (4/3-4/10): Chapter 14 - Coding Scripts URL Video: Week 11 Overview
URL Lecture/Demo: Chapter 14 How to Code Scripts
URL Chapter 14 Textbook Assignment Directions
URL Chapter 14 Lab Assignment
URL SQL Server Programming Part 3 - Variables (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Programming Part 5 - IF Statements (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Programming Part 6 - WHILE Loops (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Programming Part 8 - Temporary Tables (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Programming Part 9 - Table Variables (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Programming Part 11 - Common Table Expressions (CTEs) (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Programming Part 12 - Cursors (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
File Murach Chapter 14 slides
File Chapter 14 Exercise Solutions
Week 10 (3/20-3/27): Chapter 13 - Views and Chapter 9 Functions URL Video: Week 10 Overview
URL Lecture/Demo: Chapter 9 How to Work with Functions
URL Chapter 9 Textbook Assignment Directions
File Wages script (need for textbook assignment)
URL Chapter 9 Lab Assignment Directions

To see a video explaining how to use CHOOSE, watch:

To see a video explaining how to use CASE with GROUPING and ROLLUP, watch:

URL Lecture/Demo: Chapter 13 How to Work with Views
URL Chapter 13 Textbook Assignment Directions
URL Final Project Milestone #3 Directions - Creating Views

This is section #2 of milestone #3.

URL Youtube Video: SQL Server Queries Part 7 - Using Functions in Queries (Wise Owl Tutorials)
URL Youtube Video: SQL Server Queries Part 5 - CASE Expressions (Wise Owl Tutorials)
File Murach Chapter 9 slides
File SQL Server Developers Factsheet
File SQL Server Functions - cheat sheet
File SQL Server Date time Function Cheat Sheet
File Chapter 09 Exercise Solutions
URL Creating Views
File Murach Chapter 13 slides
File Chapter 13 Exercise Solutions
Week 9 (3/13-3/20): Chapter 6 Subqueries URL Video: Week 9 Overview
URL Lecture/Demo: Chapter 6 How to Code Subqueries
URL Textbook Assignment Directions
URL Lab Assignment Directions

IMPORTANT:  Task #3 is the only one that requires subqueries!   The rest of the assignment is a review of information we have covered throughout the semester!

PLEASE READ:  After you create the testcorp database, when you query the Order table, you will need to put it in brackets to use the table because SSMS thinks it is a keyword.   Use [Order] when you refer to the table and everything should work fine.

Example:  SELECT * FROM [Order]

File Chapter 6 slides
File Chapter 06 Textbook Examples
URL SQL Server Queries Part 11 - Subqueries (Wise Owl Youtube Video)
Week 8(3/6-3/13): Chapter 5: Summary Queries URL Video: Week 8 Overview
URL Lecture/Demo: Chapter 5 Aggregate (Summary) Queries
URL Chapter 5 Textbook Assignment Directions
URL Final Project Milestone #3 Directions - Aggregate Functions

Milestone #3 has 3 different sections.  This is section #1.

URL Ch 5 Jeopardy (optional)

Play the game and test your knowledge

URL SQL Server Extensions (Extra Credit Assignment)

10 points extra credit

File Murach Chapter 5 slides (abridged)
File Chapter 05 Textbook Examples
URL Youtube Video: SQL Server Queries Part 10 - GROUP BY and HAVING (WIseOwl Tutorials)
URL Youtube Video: SQL Aggregation queries using Group By, Sum, Count and Having
URL SQL Server Queries Part 10 - GROUP BY and HAVING (Wise Owl Youtube Video) (copy)
URL SQL Server Queries Part 12 - Correlated Subqueries (Wise Owl Youtube Video) (copy)
Week 7 (2/27-3/6): Chapter 7 - Inserting, Updating and Deleting Data and Term Project Milestone #2 URL Video: Week 7 Overview
URL Lecture/Demo: Chapter 7 Inserting, Updating and Deleting Data
URL Textbook Assignment Directions
URL Final Project Milestone #2 Directions - Adding Data to Tables
URL Term Project Mini-Showcase 1 Directions
File Murach Chapter 7 slides
File Chapter 07 Textbook Examples
Week 6 (2/20-2/27): Chapter 11 - Creating tables using SQL and Chapter 12: Creating tables using SSMS URL Video: Week 6 Overview
URL Lecture/Demo: Chapter 11 Creating a Database and its' Tables using SQL
URL Textbook Assignment Directions - Chapter 11
URL Lecture/Demo: Chapter 12 Creating a Database and its' Tables using SSMS
URL Textbook Assignment Directions - Chapter 12
URL Final Project Milestone #2 Directions - Creating tables and constraints (not due until 3/6)

Make sure you have gotten feedback on final project milestone #1 and incorporated any changes into your tables BEFORE you begin working on milestone #2!

URL Tutorial on constraints
URL SQL Server Part 5 - Basic Table Design, Data Types and Constraints (Wise Own Youtube Video)
URL SQL Server Part 6 - Designing and Creating a Relational Database (Wise Own Youtube Video)
File Murach Chapter 11 slides
File Chapter 11 Exercise Solutions
File Murach Chapter 12 slides
File Chapter 12 Exercise Solutions
Week 5(2/13-2/20) Database Design Lab for Term Project Milestone: Database Design URL Video: Week 5 Overview
URL Final Project Milestone #1 Directions
Week 4 (2/6-2/13): Chapter 8 - Data Types and Chapter 10: Database Design URL Video: Week 4 Overview
URL Lecture/Demo: Chapter 8
URL Lecture/Demo: Chapter 10 Database Design
URL Chapter 10 Textbook Assignment Directions
File Functional Dependency in DBMS
File Database Normalization and Primary Keys
File Chapter 8 Terms
File Murach Chapter 8 slides
File Chapter 08 Textbook Examples
File A Simple Guide to Five Normal Forms in Relational Database Theory
File Normalization Exercise
File Murach Chapter 10 slides
File Chapter 10 Exercise Solutions
Week 3 (1/30-2/6): Chapter 4-Retrieving Data from Multiple Tables URL Video: Week 3 Overview
URL Lecture/Demo: Chapter 4 Key Points
URL Chapter 4 Textbook Assignment Directions
URL Chapter 4 Lab Assignment Directions
URL Chapter 4 terms
File Murach Chapter 4 slides
URL Youtube Video: SQL Server Queries Part 1 - Writing Basic Queries (from WiseOwl)
URL Youtube Video: SQL Server Queries Part 6 - JOINS (Inner and Outer Joins) (from WiseOwl)
URL Youtube Video: SQL Server Queries Part 2 - ORDER BY (Sorting in Queries) (from WiseOwl)
URL Youtube Video: SQL Server Queries Part 3 - WHERE (Criteria in Queries) (from WiseOwl)
URL Youtube Video: SQL Server Queries Part 4 - Calculated Columns in Queries (from WiseOwl)
Week 2 (1/23-1/30): Chapter 2- Using SSMS & Chapter 3 - Retrieving data from a single table URL Video: Week 2 Overview
URL Lecture/Demo: Chapter 2 Key Points
URL Chapter 2 Textbook Assignment Directions
File Filegroup backup and restores
URL Lecture/Demo: Chapter 3 Key Points
URL Chapter 3 Textbook Assignment Directions
File SQL LIKE Operator
File SQL Wildcard Characters
URL Chapter 2 terms
File Murach Chapter 2 slides
URL Chapter 3 terms
File Murach Chapter 3 slides
URL With Ties Information

With ties looks for values that match the last item in the list and displays them.  It makes  the most sense for rankings. For example, if you wanted to know the top 5 GPAs in a graduating class, you would want to know if other students had the same GPA as the 5th student (they should all have the 5th rank).   It should be noted that SQL uses the column specified in the ORDER BY clause to determine which rows have "tie" values.

URL w3schools SQL Tutorial


  • SQL Home
  • SQL Intro
  • SQL Syntax
  • SQL Select
  • SQL Select Distinct
  • SQL Where
  • SQL And, Or, Not
  • SQL Order By
  • SQL Select Top
  • SQL Like
  • SQL In
  • SQL Between

Week 1 (1/14-1/23): Course Information, Chapter 1- Intro to Relational DB & SQL URL Video: Course Overview
URL Instructor Welcome Message
URL Course Syllabus
URL College Syllabus
URL Course Assignment Schedule

Please print for future reference

URL Campus Safety Video
URL Lecture/Demo: Chapter 1 Key Points
URL 1. Link to SQL Server Developer Edition Download
URL 2. Link to SSMS download
URL 3. Murach database download
File 4. Northwind and Pub database download
URL 5. Link to WorldWide Importer database download

Download the WideWorldImporters-Standard.bak  which is near the bottom of the list of files to download.

File Chapter 1 Terms
URL Chapter 1 terms
File Murach Chapter 1 slides
OPTIONAL: Database Resources and Software URL Murach Textbook Website
File eBook: MS SQL Server (tutorialspoint)
File eBook: Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2016
File Handout: SQL Quick Reference
File Handout: SQL Server Functions
File Handout: SQL Operators
File Handout: SQL Server Data Types
URL Steve Stedman SQL JOIN Posters
URL Murach database download
File Northwind & Pub sample databases
URL WorldWideImporters Full OLTP Database

Be sure to download the OLTP version of this database backup and - for easiest access - to your SSMS backup folder. If you are unsure where this is, simply start to do a database restore (right-click Databases in SSMS Object Explorer) to find the correct folder. Save the backup there and SSMS will not have a problem with access.

URL World Wide Importers sample database
URL SQL Server Developer and Express Downloads
URL Download SSMS
URL Microsoft Imagine NMC Web Store
URL Free Code Format - Code Conversion Utility
URL LucidChart
URL Get a Free LucidChart Account

Follow the instructions on this page to obtain a free LucidChart Educational Account.

URL online charting tool
URL Office 365 Download Site

Microsoft Corporation offers a free copy of MS Office 365 for students.  This includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access.  

This is an excellent opportunity for students!