Taking Online or Hybrid courses? This is for you!

Meet Your Host: eLearning (Moodle)

eLearning (Moodle) is NMC's learning management system through which online courses are delivered. In fact, all courses have a course page where, at a minimum, you can check your grades, see a course syllabus and schedule, and your instructor's contact information.

Once you log into NMC systems you access eLearning (Moodle) from the list of links provided on your MyNMC Students intranet home page.

After clicking on the eLearning (Moodle) link, the system opens and you see your homepage. If your courses are available (or open), you will see them listed under "My Courses" right in the middle of the page.

Your courses will not "appear" on your eLearning (Moodle) homepage until the start of the semester. Once they do, just click on the course title to open that course page.

If you are enrolled in a face-to-face or hybrid course, your instructor may not make your course area available to you until after you have met on campus. Also, if your course has a later start date, it will not appear on your homepage until that start date.

By participating in this course you are experiencing what an online course is like. You will also have learned how to navigate through forums, quizzes, assignments, and various resources in Moodle. Because this is a prep for you to learn how to navigate Moodle, we highly recommend that you complete this course.